Privacy Please

An ambitious school project

Privacy please is a game I made for an art class project. The theme of the project was privacy and I decided to go over the top and make a whole game around this theme. I finished the game in a 2-week holiday and created it in Gamemaker since that was the only thing I had experience with at the time.

The game is about defending the privacy of a boy playing on his laptop. The boy's privacy is being threatened by walking cameras who try to make photos of him. The player plays as a cushion spinning around the boy trying to stop the camera flashes from hitting the boy. As the game progresses more and more cameras start appearing until the cameras take 3 photos of the boy. When this happens the game ends and the player sees the boy in a newspaper with all his private information exposed.

This game ended up being more of a learning experience than an actual fun game. It is far too easy to play and gets boring after a few minutes. But making the game did teach me how to finish a game within a strict deadline and gave me more experience with coding and animating.


Menu Select:
select: enter

turn clockwise: right arrow key turn anti-clockwise: left arrow key
